photos in Fukuoka

special thanks :
Mt. Fuji
photos in Shizuoka
手打蕎麦 naru --> site
handmade soba "naru"
I ate soymilk soba
Queen's cafe --> site
オムライス omurice (rice omelette)
chiffon cake
thanks a million!
cafe DROP --> site
good chill out time
スカイツリー sky tree
vegan carob scone
carob = イナゴ豆 locust bean
vegan = 完全菜食主義(お肉だけでなく卵や乳製品など動物性全般)
perfect vegetarian. those who avoid eating an animal and also avoid ingestion of the food of the animal origin of an egg, dairy products, etc
明治のこころ at : 江戸東京博物館
Soul of Meiji at : Edo-Tokyo Museum
吉祥寺 ヒトト (ex.base cafe)
macrobiotic cafe hitoto at : Kichijōji
solo album「Wonder Aloud」
14曲入 ¥2,100 全曲英訳詞付
14 songs. with all songs English translated words.
you can purchase the CD at CD stores and website throughout Japan.
booklet and inner illustration by Rico
SoRA's official website --> ◎
now on sale
全国のビデオショップ, webサイト, iTunesにて, レンタル及びご購入いただけます。
you can purchase or rent the DVD at video shops, website and iTunes throughout Japan.
seesaw's official website --> ◎
BGM : Andrea Bocelli