

私事ですがこの数年間, わたしはうたが唄えず, ギターも弾けず, 音楽からも文化からも, 人からも遠ざかっていました。
On a personal note, i was a complete mess for a few years. I couldn't sing, i couldn't play the guitar, i couldn't compose, and i was away from music, culture, and people.

しかし, 未だに声をかけてくれる人たち, そしてお腹のなかで元気に動き回るまだ見ぬ赤ちゃんのお陰で, 久しぶりに唄うことができました。
But i sang for the first time in a long time. 
Thanks to you all who talked to me, i could sing. And my baby is moving energetically in my stomach.
Now, i just hope that i can meet my baby safely two weeks later.

'Das Lied'


It is not unnatural that people feel anxious about the future.
I wish for the health and happiness of all.

with love