
Live show in Leipzig on 24th Sat.

I have a live show in Leipzig on 24th Saturday.

Sat 24th Oct. 2015
Venue: 'The Japanese house', Leipzig, Germany

'Kitchen for all!'
Japanese meal will be served from 7 pm by donation.

The event starts at 7 pm.
SoRA’s live starts after a meal, from 9 to 10 pm.

It is the place called the Japanese house in Leipzig, which was an unoccupied house and has been renovated by its members.
After a meal, I am going to perform some of my songs for about 1 hour at the event called 'a meal meeting' there.
You can enjoy an exhibition by Monegassen Ramsch as well that day.
If you would be interested in that event and around Leipzig, feel free to come.

24日(土) ベルリンから少し離れた ライプツィヒ という都市でLIVEをします。

空き家をセルフ・リノベーションした "日本の家" という場所での「ごはんのかい (ご飯の会)」にて約1時間ほど演奏させていただきます。

この日はアーティストさんの絵の展示期間中とのことで, そちらも楽しみです。



毎日のお料理も, お菓子も, パパっと作るのが好き。
完成する頃には後片付けも終えて, ゆっくり食べる。




▷ solo album "Wonder Aloud"

format : CD / download

全国のCDショップ, 各WEBサイトでご購入いただけます。
また iTunes や Amazon mp3 から音源のダウンロードもできます。

you can purchase the album at CD shop in Japan, and its website.

and also they are available on 'iTunes' or 'Amazon mp3'.

iTunes : JP / US
Amazon mp3 : JP / US / UK

you can listen to my song here
